According to the record on March 5th 2025 Pi Network has reached a market value of $1.94. The currency value today stands at $1.94 which represents a strong decrease compared to its peak at $3.01 achieved on February 25 2025. Pi Network’s price currently swings widely because market emotions affect its trading behavior.
The available market data about Pi Coin remains restricted and its trading activity stays minimal because few trading platforms support this digital currency. Because Pi Coin trades on a limited number of platforms the market reacts unpredictably, so investors need to combine both fundamental and technical insights to study price behavior.

Technical Analysis
The falling wedge pattern that Pi Coin shows marks a typical sign in technical analysis that suggests an upward trend will begin. The price action shows a possible future increase in value based on this pattern development. For a positive trend to validate in the market the price needs to violate multiple protective obstacles.
At this time $1.80 represents the bottom price level and $2.10 signifies the top barrier that Pi Coin needs to overcome. The currency would likely move higher by reaching $2.50 or reconnoitering its previous peak at $3.00 when the price breaches $2.10. If the price decreases below $1.80 support it may fall to $1.50.
The Relative Strength Index measures 42 which shows a market momentum that is neither favoring buy nor sell. Over the last 50 days Pi Coin tends to decline but over the next 200 days the market holds a bullish stance.
Market Sentiment and Indicators
Most market indicators show negative market sentiment despite their mixed signals about future price changes. The majority of investor standard measurements now advise selling Pi Coin due to ongoing market fears.
The Fear & Greed Index currently shows neutral market sentiment since its score of 54. Investors who lack market direction clarity decrease their investment buying habits. Current MACD indicator data suggests a possible price rebound because buying signals will lead to a chart crossing.
Fundamental Analysis and Market Factors
Pi Network’s value responds both to detailed market analysis and basic project elements that impact investor choices.
The main obstacle blocking Pi Coin development depends on its absence from leading exchanges. The exchange platforms Binance and Coinbase do not support Pi Network on their platforms which makes buying and selling difficult and increases uncertainty about prices. Market traders would likely drive up the price when Pi Coin gets listed on prominent trading platforms.
The security of an investment depends greatly on the existence of unknown rules and regulations. People debate both how decentralized Pi Network is and how the platform adheres to international cryptocurrency rules. The price of Pi Network usually goes up when the team states that the project is moving toward becoming a decentralized platform.
The mainnet launch progress of Pi Network holds great importance for investors and traders. People who hold and buy Pi Coin want official information about its full market accessibility. The project’s ability to transition fully into the marketplace would attract fresh investors who will raise the token’s demand.
Pi Coin Price Prediction
At present, Pi Coin Price Shows Three Investment Model Possibilities Today.
When Pi Coin exceeds $2.10 resistance it will move quickly up toward $2.50 to $3.00 prices. For the token price to climb successfully it needs increasing trading activity plus investors who now trust in the market. The falling wedge pattern helps forecast this situation but success depends on market participants adding more buying pressure.
Under equal market conditions Pi Coin will probably move within the $1.80 and $2.10 price ranges. During this time, neither buyers nor sellers will clearly drive market direction. Market participants should pay attention to any large trading activity because it may trigger price changes.
After losing its support at $1.80 the price of Pi Coin would likely fall towards $1.50 or further downwards. The bear trend stays in place because investors selling keeps controlling the trading market. The crypto market’s movement would suffer from these setbacks.
The value of Pi Coin rests at an important moment for future price movement. Current technical chart indicators show a possible market upside, but traders remain hesitant because major exchanges have not listed Pi Coin and market risk remains high.
To make money now, traders should look at $2.10 resistance levels because they can predict an upward move. Strong upward price movement in Pi Coin will likely start when it crosses past $2.10. A drop in the price to below $1.80 indicates further rate of decline.
Investors who hold their positions for years need to keep an eye on Pi Network’s progress toward its official network launch plus updates on business rules before taking major financial steps. When Pi Network achieves its business targets, it opens new possibilities for the crypto that drive overall user adoption and value improvement.