Despite being one of the top-traded meme coins, Shiba Inu (SHIB) market value moves based on how buyers feel and how whales and supply impact prices. Investors can better understand SHIB by studying its movement patterns as well as its current market indicators.
Current Price and Market Performance
As of March 14 2025 the trading price of Shiba Inu (SHIB) stands at $0.00001253, which represents 0.02369% more than the earlier value. During the day SHIB reached its peak of $0.00001272 followed by its lowest value of $0.00001182. The market capitalization of SHIB totals $7.36 billion while daily transactions reach $450 million.
The value of SHIB shows a small 0.02369% gain but suffers a substantial 25.3% drop from the previous month because whales minimized their activity and traders lowered their market exposure. Market participants have adopted a negative attitude toward SHIB because they think the token will perform poorly in the next few months.
Shiba Inu Burn Rate Surge: A Potential Bullish Signal?
A major increase has occurred in the destruction of SHIB tokens within its ecosystem. On March 13 a large transaction removed 459.29 million SHIB from public supply which increased the burn rate by 27,787.67%.
Investors see a growing burn rate positively because it cuts the total number of tokens available for trade. A lower supply supply pushes the token price up when people steadily purchase it. Experts are unsure if Shiba inu token prices will go up right now because of its quick supply reduction rate. A continuous increase in burning tokens creates a positive long-term view about SHIB price trends.
Shiba Inu Price Analysis
The market price of SHIB hovers near its strongest defensive level which stands at $0.00001200. When the $0.00001300 resistance area becomes accessible the price will try to overcome its barriers. When merchants revert to selling Shiba inu the price will likely drop to $0.00001050 levels or below.
The Relative Strength Index reading at 42 shows traders are neither eager nor concerned about investing. The price movement of Shiba inu reveals bearish qualities as both the 50-day EMA resides at $0.00001430 and the 200-day EMA stands at $0.00001680. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence falls under the signal line which suggests that investors are starting to sell SHIB.
The descending channel movement of SHIB shows decreases in value until strong buying pushes its price out of the $0.00001300 range.
Whale Activity and Market Sentiment
Overall whale trading on the Shiba Inu platform decreased and influenced the market price to drop. Large SHIB owners are decreasing their inventory because they do not expect prices to rise soon. The number of big whales who moved more than $100,000 from SHIB has gone down 15% over seven days showing significant investors either watch for better deals or transfer money to other projects.
Market participants remain unsure about SHIB prices because the Fear and Greed Index shows a level of 42 associated with fear. Social media users now focus less on SHIB discussions but instead engage with SHIB burning updates, reports about whales, and discuss future value speculations.
Shiba Inu Price Prediction
Analysts foresee SHIB to decrease by 20 percent to reach this price level. Based on its position in a downward trend and low whale acquisitions the market participants expect SHIB to decline further. SHIB shows signs of falling if its price action remains below $0.00001300.
Some market initiatives predict Shiba inu will surge 97.61% from its present price to $0.000024 by March 18. The prediction features rising burn rates as the main driver for this positive outlook alongside the thought that retail investors may return to the fold. SHIB may continue its upward momentum toward $0.00001500 to $0.00001700 when it manages to overcome $0.00001350 resistance.
For the following day SHIB should trade between $0.00001200 and $0.00001350 per coin. The price of $0.00001300 serves as a breakout threshold that would confirm increased bullish market movements when support remains above $0.00001200. A drop in SHIB price toward $0.00001150 will likely develop if market participants fail to maintain their buying pressure.
SHIB will show growing strength when its price surpasses $0.00001350 during the next 3 to 5 days. If resistance remains unstoppable it will drive SHIB downward towards its next support level at $0.00001050.
SHIB remains positive for future growth because more tokens are being burned while retail buyers show new interest. Market participants need to watch price changes while setting correct stop-loss points to protect their money.